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About Us

Flex-O-Pack Limited is one of the largest suppliers of packaging material in Pakistan. It is a leading supplier of complete flexible packaging solutions. Flex-O-Pack is one of the leading indenter for converters of flexible packaging and suppliers to the industry.
I started Flex-O-Pack, because I wanted to find a better way to service my customers. While working for other organizations, it seemed as if we focused on having the customer do what "WE" wanted them to do, rather than focusing on what was best for the customer.
Always pursuing and delivering value, with both our product and service, is our focus today. We have built our business, based on a very simple rule "Do what's best for the Customer". Being involved with our customers on a daily basis, allows us to continuously monitor the market and explore solutions that will have a positive impact their bottom line.
Our proven suppliers, trusted resources and market leaders, cater to us with only the highest quality packaging materials, delivering nothing less than excellence. Our approach is very simple "Whatever you need, we will do".
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our company. We appreciate your time.

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